We have just been extremely busy the past couple of months. With school, taxiing, soccer on Tuesdays and Saturdays, AWANA, church, and now festivals, it's been crazy...not to mention we had 4/6 family members have a birthday within 6 weeks of each other. Kanton had his party, and it was a blast!! We had 35 kids, 18 adults, and 7 pizzas. We did 8 expiraments, and had tons of fun!! I think I will definitely do this party again. We moved Ashton's party due to conflicts with fall break and swine flu! It will be November 7, so updates will follow. Soccer is over in a week, and we're getting into the full swing of all! I plan on doing lots of baking with the kids, decluttering, and getting ready for Christmas.
Bryson is now 8 months old. He is crawling everywhere, and he is so fun. He is happy at 6:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m....and all hours between. He hardly fusses at all. We are eagerly awaiting the arrival of the 2nd dose of flu shots, and we are anticipating the H1N1 vaccine as well. I pray for my kids daily to remain healthy. There is no medicine for the kids under 2, and Kanton has asthma. He has had pneumonia more than 6 times, and he has also had RSV. Ashton was hospitalized with pneumonia for a few days when he was a baby, and had RSV as well. Braden had a febrile seizure when he was 2, and he was diagnosed with bronchitis at the time. He has not had as much trouble as Kanton. Bryson had RSV in May, so we are praying that the swine flu stays away!!
On Thursday night, Kanton asked Jesus into his heart! Way to go, Kanton!!
Happy Fall, Y'all!!
Kanton's party pictures will have to come later. My computer is running way too slow in this rain!